Search for a bike


The Auckland Bike Brokerage was set up to link people with bikes - a practical outlet for my obsession with the sales patterns of second hand bikes on Trade Me. Many would-be cyclists often don't know where to start when purchasing a bike: 

"What style do I get?"
"What size is right for me?"
"How do I sort the wheat from the chaff?"
"How much should I pay?"
"What's that spinny thing there do?"

To work out which style of bike is best for you check the Categories page. Once you've got an idea of the kind of bike you'd like, keep an eye on this blog. I'll post links to auctions that fit what you're after - tagged to the appropriate categories. Patience is the key here - the perfect bike for you may not be here today but rest assured, it will come along!

I hope this turns out to be of use to you.

- Russell